Alpha Testing vs Beta Testing for Apps

If developing an app or any other kind of computer software, then your product will need to go through a rigorous acceptance process called Alpha Testing vs Beta Testing.

Alpha and beta testing are foundational steps to ensuring that you have a smoothly working and marketable product.

There’s no way around Alpha Testing vs Beta Testing, you can’t skip these steps or do them by halves.

However, Alpha Testing vs Beta Testing is, not the same thing, nor can you do one form of acceptance testing and not the other.

In this blog, we will give you the low down on the difference between alpha and better testing and provide some insight into how venture capital can support this process.

What is Alpha Testing?

Alpha testing falls under the umbrella of acceptance testing – a kind of test performed to identify all the possible problems and software bugs that may be present in software in the development phase. Alpha testing must be done before the product moves on to beta testing (being tried out by a real person) as it tends to smoke out problems not picked up by other kinds of acceptance tests.

On the face of it, alpha testing is similar to beta testing in that you simulate a real consumer environment by using the product and carrying out tasks that might occur in real life. However, the point of the alpha test is to identify problems and not be distracted by other issues like how much the user enjoyed the software. An alpha test is wholly dedicated to fixing bugs, and this focus is what makes alpha testing so effective and essential.

Alpha testing is done by a professional software vendor and the client in a controlled lab environment. Key software requirements such as milestones in performance, functionality and durability are thoroughly assessed and all aspects of the software or app is under scrutiny. If your product makes it through alpha testing then you can feel confident that it is well working.

What is Beta Testing?

Beta testing is the last phase of acceptance testing before the product is ready to be officially released. Beta testing simulates a real environment by releasing the product to a small number of end-users to obtain detailed feedback.

These end-users represent real customers and the kind of responses you’re likely to get on the real, live market. Beta testing users provide feedback on the design, functionality, convenience and usability of your product, which can help you either refine your product, go back to the drawing board, or decide to launch.

Beta testing reduces the risk of product failure and ensures your product is something that consumers will genuinely respond positively toward. Beta testing feedback should be shared with your developers who can tweak your product until it is perfect.

Alpha vs Beta graphic:

Alpha: Alpha testing is undertaken by a team of highly skilled professionals in a lab environment.

Beta: Beta testing is performed by regular end-users in a real-time environment.

Alpha: Alpha testing is performed toward the end of the software development phase.

Beta: Beta testing can occur at the same time as product marketing and is the final test before releasing the product to consumers.

Alpha: Alpha testing is a rigorous process that can take months, so all results can be recorded and analysed before UI changes are implemented.

Beta: Beta testing is completely unstructured and can take place when and where suits the end users.

How Venture Capital Can Support Alpha Testing vs Beta Testing

Dan/Alex put a quote here about how clients can use funds to cover acceptance testing. Ty.

Prepare for Success with Think10

Think10 partners promising entrepreneurs and startup ventures with capital and co-investment opportunities. Whether you need to fund alpha or beta testing or work on your prototype, there is room for growth. Talk to us today to make the first steps.

Chris Cutout

Chris Dixon

Fund manager

Chris Dixon is a Think10 Capital’s Digital Fund Manager with specific responsibilities of managing digital funds and driving strategic growth. Dixon brings his experiences in capital and investment management through prior involvement in private equity and institutional investment in the United States. Over the past decade Dixon has lived and worked in Melbourne, Australia where he now resides.